

A comfortable, ergonomically designed and well maintained workspace is vital to any office based operation and our expert advice comprehensively addresses all key issues.

Our Pre-Acquisition Surveys and Pre-Lease Surveys explain plainly to clients such as owner managed businesses and professional services firms what is right with an office building and where they could run into problems from a regulatory, or operational point of view.

Our team of trusted and experienced Surveyors also delivers a precise cost analysis that means our clients are always fully aware of every aspect of a purchase or lease transaction before they commit to it.

Jones Melling has an enviable track record nationally of helping clients successfully reduce unreasonable end of lease dilapidation costs, with our current average sitting at a 58 per cent reduction in claim costs.

Our can-do experts can also deliver a broad spectrum of Building Surveying services based on the specific requirements of our clients and the life-cycle of the building.
