Building Surveying

Schedules of Condition

A schedule of condition is an accurate record of the condition of a property at the start of a lease. It gives legal protection, chiefly against scurrilous dilapidations claims at lease end.

Dilapidations are the area of lease covenant requirements that mean a tenant must return the property in the condition set out in the lease.

They can also be a useful evidential record for resolving any disputes around tenant alterations or party wall disputes.

Schedules of condition are carried out to exceptionally high standards by our expert team of chartered building surveyors. Written schedules of condition include examinations of all aspects of a property and identify any problems. Photographs and video can also be used to obtain clear visual records of a building’s condition.

We advise our clients always to attach the schedule of condition to the lease and to make certain the document is legally-binding.
