Expert witness in construction disputes
Construction projects don’t always run smoothly, and delays or cost increases often lead to construction disputes.
When things go wrong, Jones Melling can be called upon to offer impartial, expert advice. Whether appointed by one party’s solicitor, both parties jointly, or by the court directly, we give an unbiased professional opinion on the matters in question.
Acting for clients large and small, our deep technical knowledge means we can quickly gain a clear picture of the dispute and provide a detailed independent report. Crucially, our reports meet the highest professional standards set out by RICS code of practice and are also compliant with Part 35 of the Civil Procedure Rules.
As well as working as independent expert witnesses, we also work closely with the legal profession in an expert advisor capacity. This often involves providing analysis and opinion to instructing solicitors exploring the merits of their client’s case in quantum and delay matters.