Jones Melling school building survey services

Yateley Manor School, Hampshire

Project details

Jones Melling was appointed by Yateley Manor School, a private school located in Yateley, Hampshire, to provide a range of building survey services across its entire school complex.

The work entailed a full measured survey of the buildings and site to provide site and floor plans for the school.

From this a detailed planned preventative maintenance survey (PPM) was prepared for the buildings and school areas. This provided a 10-year plan detailing remedial and running costs over this period to assist the bursar in budgeting for the necessary maintenance and improvement works required.

The school did not have an up-to-date asbestos management plan or reinstatement cost assessment (RCA), so these were also carried out to meet necessary compliance and information for its building insurance.

Jones Melling was also appointed by the school to provide pre-acquisition survey services for an adjacent former primary school it was seeking to buy to develop and expand its existing school site.

The survey detailed the current condition of the former primary school. As the building was constructed in the late 1960s and early 1970s, it contained a large number of defects and deleterious materials commonplace in buildings of this design and age.

We provided high-level budget costings for the client who intends to completely redevelop the school following the purchase of the property. A refurbishment and demolition asbestos survey was also undertaken along with a measured survey to support the development plans for the buildings.

Project facts

Yateley Manor School
Yateley, Hampshire
Our role:
  • Reinstatement Cost Assessment (RCA)
  • Planned Preventative Maintenance Survey
  • Measured Survey
  • Asbestos Management Plan
  • Pre-Acquisition Survey

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